2019 Goals For The Year

Happy New Year 2019! (I’m Late, No Surprise There)


Now talk about procrastinating. It’s literally almost February and I’m writing my 2019 goals and saying Happy New Year to all you pretty people! But whatever, better late than never right? 2019 is already crazy for me, and it’s only been 1 MONTH. Between styling as my full time job, weddings as my second full time job (pretty much), moving into a new apartment, and trying to balance everything in between, my life has been nuts. But that’s honestly nothing new. What is new is the goals I’m setting for 2019! And I’m determined to stay on track with these throughout the year. Hence the reason I’m not calling them resolutions. Because we all know how resolutions end, quickly. There’s some study that shows an astronomical number of people don’t even come close to holding themselves accountable for their New Year’s resolutions and I’m determined to not be a part of that statistic. So let’s get to the goals!


Health + Fitness

So I can tell you I’ve been awful at taking care of myself the past year. I eat whatever I want and sleep when I can and work 24/7. I’ve been so tired lately that I’ve had no motivation to workout. But as cliche as it is to tell you I’m going to start working out I really am. I love to run and I now live around so many gorgeous trails I have no excuse but to lace up my tennis shoes and go for a run.

I’ll also be picking back up yoga. Yoga is definitely more of a mental aid than physical for me. It calms me and forces me to focus on the moment instead of thinking ahead and planning like I always do. For someone who’s a constant planner and always thinking about the next stop, it’s always hard to focus and be present in the moment. But, yoga definitely helps me do that and start practicing it more in everyday situations. So, it’s going to be so great being back in classes.

The combination of yoga + running always helped me mentally and physically. It helps me destress and just focus on the moment whether it’s putting one foot in front of the other or focusing on the next pose. It let’s me get out of my head and give a little clarity which is always helpful for someone so heavily reliant on creativity. For me, clarity has always led to stronger creativity and anyway I can get there I’ll be doing it!

The Hustle

Content. Content. Content. My goal this year is to constantly be creating valuable content for you guys. Whether it’s wedding content or fashion content I will always be creating and giving you as much knowledge as I can. I’ll be showing my face here on the blog a lot more this year, posting on IG everyday, going live on instastories, and potentially starting a Youtube channel. I recently did a big poll about my content and the answers I got from you guys really opened up my eyes of what you guys want to see from me. So, as a little sneak peek this is what you’ll be seeing from me as far as content goes:

  • Wedding Tips + Tricks

  • Champagne Cocktail Recipes

  • Fashion Styling (the #1 piece of content you guys want to see so you’ll be seeing OOTD’s a TON)

  • Skincare + Beauty

  • Fashion Styling Videos

  • BTS Wedding Planning

So, get excited! Because I’m SO ready to share with you guys all the fun ideas I have in my head!

Personal Development

For personal goals this year I want to solely listen to podcasts when I’m driving and when I’m working. I am a huge music fan but I really want to get into the habit of learning and absorbing when I’m doing mindless tasks. I’ve definitely jumped on the podcast train this past year and just want to turn it into a habit instead of an “oh I should listen to a podcast!” Every time I listen to one of my favorite podcasts I always feel like I’ve absorbed so much genuine and useful content and am always learning! I’ve definitely found a bunch of podcast shows that have turned into my favorites. Just to name a few:

  • The Skinny Confidential

  • The Ed Mylett Show

  • Gary Vee

  • Second Life

  • Breaking Beauty

My second personal goal of the year is to keep up regularly attending church. It’s become such a staple and has really helped me stay grounded and focused on my goals. Me and Tyler have been really great of going every Sunday that I don’t have a wedding or an event. Highly recommend if you’re feeling overwhelmed or lost to find a good church that you like or come with me! We’ve made it a ritual now of going to church, going to brunch, and then watching football (for Tyler) and working from home (for me). Sundays are also our days to just do things we enjoy together which is super nice. I’m going to also try to break the habit of working on Sundays too…but that’’s going to be a work in progress. Everyone knows I’m a workaholic.


Style is a huge part of my life. As much as there’s a tomboy side of me that likes to ride dirt bikes and watch drag races, 90% of the time I’m dressed up and ready to go anywhere. I honestly feel like style is such a huge part of who you are and for me I feel like I’m playing dress up everyday. My style can vary from edgy to bohemian to girly (this is a small percentage of my style lol).

Anyways, my goal for style this year is to broaden my style this year. I want to dig through my walk-in closet and dig pieces out and create new outfits. I can’t keep up this habit of recycling my 5 newest purchases. I have a stuffed closet and NEED to pull some things out.

Also, doing a huge purge so comment below if you want me to do a closet sale for all you babes! Simplify my closet a little better. My girlfriend asked me the other day, “Do you have a lightweight cream sweater that I can pair with a leopard skirt?” Tell me why I pulled out 6 different options out of my closet for her. She looked at me like I had lost my mind. So, like I said simplify my wardrobe. I want more statement pieces and less variety of my basic pieces. So between these two things, hopefully you’ll see more of a variety when it comes to style in my content!


Shop My Look

Snakeskin Jacket - HERE

White Tee - HERE

Cropped Flare Denim - HERE

Metallic Booties - HERE (They’re almost SOLD OUT!)